Glasgow R User Group

I am very excited to hear that there are attempts to create a brand new R user group in Glasgow! I had just talked in Post Number One about my guilt at not having been able to attend EdinbR as often as I wished but it should be much easier for me to find time to attend a group based in Glasgow. If you are based in (or near) Glasgow and would like to join the R community, this sounds like the place to be – I hope this idea takes off! This is the blurb from their meetup page.

This group is for people who use R (or want to start to). This meetup is a first attempt to get together people in Glasgow interested in R, meet and decide how to go about the organisation. There are several R User around the world and would be nice to ave one in Glasgow as well.

Alan Yeung
Research Fellow and Healthcare Scientist

Applied statistician, currently working mainly on blood borne viruses and drugs. Supporter of all things R.